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A - Active
B - Beginner play
C - Construction
D - Dress-ups
E - Education & skills
G - Games
I - Imaginative
M - Music
P - Puzzles
R - Ride-ons
T - Transport
X - Admin
I (In library)
O (On loan)
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AUS - Australian
BAL - Balance (Gross Motor)
BL - Bi-lingual
CE - Cause and Effect
COC - Concentration
COL - Learning Colour
CO-OP - Co-operative game
EHC - Eye-hand Coordination
FMS - Fine motor skills
FOL - Following Directions
GM - Gross motor
HAM - Hammering/pounding
IMA - Imaginative & creative play
INDP - Independant/single player game
LAC - Lacing and threading (Fine Motor)
LAN - Language (Communication)
LET - Letter/Reading Skills
LEV0 - Level 0: knob/chunky inset, 1 piece per hole
LEV1 - Level 1: puzzles 2-12pc/Easy Games (age 2-3)
LEV2 - Level 2: puzzles 13-60 pcs, Medium games (3-5yrs)
LEV3 - Level 3: puzzles 61-104 pcs, Hard games (5-8 yrs)
LEV4 - Level 4: puzzles 105+ pcs, Advanced games (8+yrs)
LOG - Logical Reasoning
MA - Matching
MC - Multi-cultural
MEM - Memory Skills
NUM - Numbers/Maths skills
PARTY - Party toys, games + activities
POS - Posting and putting in (Fine Motor)
PRO - Problem Solving
RP - Role Play
SCR - Screwing & Turning (Fine Motor)
SE - Social and emotional learning
SEQ - Sequencing
SHA - Shapes
SOR - Sorting
STA - Stacking
STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics
TAC - Tactile Sensory
TUR - Turn Taking
VIS - visual thinking
WAT - Water play